How Are the Wonders of the World Chosen

The Wonders of the World are a collection of remarkable man-made and natural structures that have stood the test of time and have inspired awe and wonder among people for centuries. From the Great Pyramid of Giza to the Taj Mahal, these Wonders are some of the most iconic and best-known sites on the planet. But what exactly sets these Wonders apart from other marvels of the world, and how exactly are they chosen?

Historical Significance

One of the primary criteria for selecting a site for inclusion among the Wonders of the World is its historical significance. Generally speaking, these sites must have been around for centuries, and must have had an impact on the world’s history and culture. Sites such as the Great Wall of China and the Colosseum in Rome fit this criteria, as they have been around for thousands of years and have played an important role in the history of their respective countries.

Cultural Influence

Another important factor in the selection process is the site’s influence on local culture. Sites that have been featured in literature, art, music, or other forms of culture are often considered for inclusion among the Wonders of the World. For example, Machu Picchu in Peru has been featured in numerous works of art over the centuries, and is often considered to be one of the most iconic symbols of the Inca Empire. The Angkor Wat in Cambodia, meanwhile, is often seen as a symbol of the country’s rich cultural heritage.

Geographical Location

Finally, the geographical location of the site is also taken into consideration during the selection process. Sites that are located in remote areas or are otherwise difficult to access may be excluded from the list, as they are not easily accessible to the public. In addition, sites that are located in politically unstable regions may also be excluded, as they may be unsafe for visitors.

In conclusion, the Wonders of the World are some of the most iconic and well-known sites on the planet. These sites are chosen based on a number of criteria, including historical significance, cultural influence, and geographical location. While there are many sites around the world that could be considered “wonders”, only a select few make the cut and are officially included in the list of the Wonders of the World.

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